Poskytujeme profesionální úklidové služby navržené tak, aby váš domov zůstal zářivý a krásný, abyste se mohli soustředit na věci, které jsou pro vás důležitější.


Naše neustálé úsilí o dokonalost vyústilo v neustálý růst každý rok. Naším cílem je naslouchat našim klientům, porozumět jejich potřebám a poskytovat výjimečnou úroveň úklidových služeb v domácnostech a komerčních prostorách.

Pokud z jakéhokoli důvodu nejste spokojeni s našimi úklidovými službami, kontaktujte nás. Vrátíme se a vyčistíme konkrétní oblasti, které nevyhovovaly. V případě, že potřebujete speciální úklidovou službu, rádi splníme každý požadavek tak, aby předčil vaše očekávání.


Founded in 1995 we became one of the leading providers of residential and commercial cleaning solutions in Canada and United States. Our mission is to:

  • Deliver high quality and consistent services.
  • Use environmentall friendly cleaning products.
  • Provide stable jobs with resonable wages.
  • Concentrate our resources on maintaining standards.
  • Make you an extremely satisfied customer.

      Easy payments via paypal or via credit card payment processing service.


      We us pet friendly cleaners as your pet is a valued member of your family.


      Your time is important to us. We provide always on time cleaning service.


  • How many people will come to clean my house?

    What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.

  • Do I have to be present for a cleaning?

    What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.

  • How long will it take to clean my house?

    What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.


Carpet cleaning $25 - $150
End of tenancy cleaning $25 - $200
House cleaning $125
Upholstery cleaning From $40 / item
Domestic cleaning From $75 / day
Office cleaning $199 per cleaning
Other cleaning $125 - $275